Covid 19 policies and effects on Children

Over the last two years of the pandemic, there has been such a burden placed on children and teachers, and, as you point out, the damage to young people has been immense.  Scottish Labour believe that everything that can be done to mitigate these harms, as well as help with their recovery, must be looked at for consideration.

The Scottish Government has consistently failed to listen to the scientific experts, as well as the parents and pupils who are experts in their own experience.  When they have made poor decisions, they have often passed these onto the Local Authorities, to try and hide behind making the councils make their own decision – which now means a wide range of variations across the country which is causing more issues.

By failing to give clear advice, and to support our young people, the Scottish Government have let down a whole generation of children and young people – the effects of which we will be dealing with for years to come.