MSP welcomes return of GP vaccinations

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has welcomed the news that vaccinations will again be carried out by GPs in the Highlands.

The MSP has been pressing both NHS Highland and the Scottish Government for three years to have the policy of a centralised vaccination programme reversed amid fears that the elderly and young parents who would expect their babies to be vaccinated locally would be faced with costly and lengthy journeys for routine vaccinations.

Rhoda Grant said “There are huge delays in getting people in the Highlands vaccinated and many GP practices are keen to be involved in this, to move things forward.

“Most Highland GPs voted against this change to the GP Contract in 2018 due to the impact this would have on rural health care.

“Children’s vaccinations and flu vaccinations for eligible groups in particular are being badly impacted.

“I have been in touch with NHS Highland over many months about this and just last week I sought an update from them on this. Indeed, my colleague, Jackie Baillie, raised the issue in the Parliament yesterday so I am glad common sense has prevailed.

“Those who have not yet been vaccinated need to be seen quickly, with a catch up on children’s vaccinations being given priority.”

The transcript of Jackie Baillie’s topical question is copied below.

Topical Question Time

Meeting date: 21 January 2025

Jackie Baillie

The First Minister has pointed to the flu outbreak as the reason for the crisis in our hospitals this winter, but that is little wonder when one considers that this year’s flu programme is operating at least a month later than the programme in either of the past two years. Vaccinations are later, uptake is much lower and, consequently, thousands fewer people have been vaccinated.

Some general practitioners, particularly in NHS Highland, have called for vaccinations to return to being delivered by GPs. Does the minister support such a move?