Uist dentistry decision simply must be called in

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, says enough is enough and that the decision to close local dental surgeries in Uist in favour of a centralised hub simply must be stopped.

The MSP has been raising objections to the proposal for three years.  She was advised in December 2017 that the Western Isles Integration Joint Board (IJB) had stated that the decision would be communicated to the Scottish Health Council (SHC) which would determine whether the proposed arrangements would constitute ‘major service change’ and, if the SHC did consider the new model for dental services ‘major service change’, then the case would be referred to Scottish Ministers.  The MSP was later advised however that the SHC has no formal role in processes led by integration authorities.

Mrs Grant asked the First Minister during First Minister’s Questions on 7 December 2017 if she would impose a moratorium on the IJB decision until the regulation surrounding ‘major service change’ was checked.  The First Minister said no.

The MSP then sent a further letter to the then Health Secretary, Shona Robison, on 9 January 2018 asking specifically for clarification from her as to whether a decision made by an IJB can be called in for scrutiny whether it is deemed to be major service or not.  Shona Robison replied that the Scottish Government was satisfied that robust arrangements for public engagements are in place for integration authorities.

Rhoda Grant said “The First Minister, the previous Health Secretary, Shona Robison, and now the present Minister for Public Health, Joe FitzPatrick, have all hidden behind muddied legislation to avoid doing anything to right this wrong.  However, given that the final decision to close the local practices has been taken jointly by NHS Western Isles and the Comhairle, I am assuming that this decision can at last be called in for proper scrutiny.

Mrs Grant continued “Dental infections if left untreated can lead to systemic spread of infection and we simply cannot make access to dentists difficult.  We cannot ask people to travel a 60 mile round trip to see a dentist.

“I have also asked questions of the IJB on how the outreach service is going to be provided and who will receive this service, if consideration has been given to re-visiting the participatory budgeting process which implemented the current bus services in 2017, are travel expenses going to be paid for patients who have to travel to Benbecula and is the proposal going to be island proofed?  The response I got was that these questions will be addressed as part of the delivery plan which is in development and they would revert to me at that point.” said Mrs Grant.

“That says to me that this proposal is totally flawed with no answers to these very pertinent questions which people the length and breadth of Uist are asking.  Enough is enough – this decision simply has to be called in and I have asked the Scottish Health Council and the Scottish Government to do this.”

MSP Rhoda Grant raises job losses at Machrihanish, Campbeltown 

The job losses at CS Wind at Machrihanish, Campbeltown, were raised by Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, at First Minister’s Questions today.

Mrs Grant said: “The First Minister will be aware of the announcement by CS Wind that they are reducing their workforce in Campbeltown by three quarters.

“This is a devastating blow for the workforce and also for the whole country because this is the only manufacturer of wind turbines in Scotland.

“Can I ask the First Minister what steps she has taken to protect these jobs and assist the workforce in this difficult time?”

Nicola Sturgeon thanked Mrs Grant for raising the issue, admitting that it will be an “exceptionally difficult time for workers who have been issued with redundancy notices.

The First Minister said the Energy Minister had spoken with the company’s management a couple of days ago to discuss the reasons behind the move. Ms Sturgoen said that the Scottish Government believed it was “a gap in the order book” not about its future prospects or long term sustainability. She added that the Government and Highlands and Islands Enterprise were committed to doing all they can to mitigate the impact of the redundancy notices and dialogue continued with the company to support it to ensure its long their sustainability and success.

Afterwards Mrs Grant said: “This is a huge blow for this area as it is understood that 73 out of 94 jobs are to go.

“The amount of manufacturing work awarded to Scottish renewable manufacturers remains too low for a country which has a huge number of windfarms, especially in the Highlands and Islands.

“Promises of employment in the low-carbon and renewable energy (LCRE) economy has not translated into the jobs boom promised and there’s been a failure of an industrial policy to ensure that workers, businesses and Government in Scotland benefit from Scotland’s natural resources.”


Disappointment at weak Government response on Uist dentistry

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has expressed extreme disappointment that the proposal to centralise Uist dental services in Benbecula is not subject to higher level scrutiny.

Mrs Grant has received a response from the Scottish Government’s Minister for Public Health, Joe Fitzpatrick, advising that he is seeking assurances from NHS Western Isles on particular aspects of the new service, including the outreach component.

The Minister has advised that he is also keen to ensure that concerns from the local community and other health care professionals are addressed in full, and that the IJB has a satisfactory communications and engagement plan in place with the Minister advising that he has asked officials to convey these points to the IJB and intends to ensure they are acted upon.

Rhoda Grant said “The communities affected by this proposal want the decision called in by Scottish Ministers.  What they have got instead is a weak plea for assurances that all will be well with the new proposal.

“The Minister says that he is keen to ensure that concerns from the local community and other health care professionals are addressed in full.  The views of service users must be heard and the views of health care professionals simply must be adhered to.  They know what service provision is adequate, and what is not.  Outreach services cannot meet all the needs of patients at a distance.

Mrs Grant concluded “I had hoped for a more robust response from the Scottish Government given the strength of local opposition and I will again ask for a full enquiry to be carried out and for an islands impact assessment to be carried out before this deeply worrying proposal is allowed to go any further.”

Transport Scotland says roundabouts will be considered for Tain junctions

A range of improvements, including roundabouts, are to be considered for improving the safety at two Tain junctions, an MSP has discovered.

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, wrote to Transport Scotland after the community backed putting in roundabouts for the Tain A9 Asda and Lidl junctions.

Mrs Grant had already been told about planned improvements including reducing the speed limit to 50mph on a 3km stretch of the A9 – 260 metres south of the A9 junction with the B9174 Knockbreak Road and continuing until 180 metres north of the A9 junction with the B9174 Morangie Road. This is to be put out to consultation.

Now Transport Scotland’s Chief Executive, Roy Brannen, says it is looking for a consultant to review long-term engineering options for the stretch and this will include a range of junction improvement, including roundabouts.

“This is good news, but I have to raise a note of caution as Transport Scotland has told me that any larger scale projects will be subject to funding and will compete with other priorities on the trunk road network,” said Mrs Grant.

“I do hope the Scottish Government will see this as a priority for funding given the number of accidents and near misses on this stretch.

“The community is anxious to avoid a serious accident or a fatality at these junctions, so I hope planning these longer-term improvements will not take long.

“I hope that Transport Scotland will also look at other alternatives in the long term that provide safety as well as ensuring the journey north is not permanently lengthened.”

Last year Mrs Grant was contacted by constituents who told her that ‘nearly every week’ an incident happens’ around the Asda and Lidl junctions.

She has highlighted recent publicity about 11 accidents at the Tain Asda junction, labelled the worst A9 hotspot.

Anger at Crofting Bill being shelved

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has said it is ‘shocking’ that, despite several assurances to the contrary, the Scottish Government has abandoned plans for crofting reform to be introduced in this session of the Parliament.

Rhoda Grant said “The Cabinet Secretary, Fergus Ewing, gave a statement to Parliament last month (10 September) advising that “Members could be assured that his officials continue to work on reform of crofting legislation” and now, just a few weeks later, he advises that work on the Crofting Bill will be suspended ‘for the foreseeable future’.”

The Cabinet Secretary was challenged last month by Labour’s Rural Economy spokesperson, Colin Smyth, who stated that

“Two years ago, the programme for Government stated: “We will … consult on and develop proposals to reform crofting law”.

“A year ago, the programme for Government stated: “We will take forward work on a Crofting Bill and publish a national development plan for crofting”.

“Just six months ago, at the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, the Cabinet Secretary said: “I committed to seeking to introduce a crofting bill in sufficient time for it to be passed before the end of the session. That commitment remains.”— [Official Report, Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee, 24 April 2019; c 7.]

Mrs Grant said, “So many times we have heard Fergus Ewing extol the worth of crofting in the cultural heritage of Scotland.  He’s also stated that crofting continues to contribute to the sustainability of remote and rural communities and that that is partly as a result of the support and attention that the Scottish Government and its predecessors have provided in the past and are providing now.”

“Even his own SNP colleague, Alasdair Allan, said last month that he was disappointed to hear about the timetabling problems relating to a crofting bill.

“Fergus Ewing was happy to take the praise for the value that crofting contributes to the sustainability of remote and rural areas yet just weeks later, his officials get pulled away to deal with Brexit, leaving these vulnerable communities high and dry, ignoring the needs of crofters.

Mrs Grant concluded “The SNP used their last majority to force through damaging legislation and now won’t take the time needed to sort it.  I would think crofters the length and breadth of the Highlands and Islands will be feeling very let down by Mr Ewing and and his SNP colleagues as they turn their backs on the needs of this industry.”

MSP outraged at Uist dental revamp

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has today said she is outraged to hear that new plans for an upgraded dental suite at Uist and Barra hospital have been unveiled despite the fierce prolonged opposition locally.  After almost three years of objection to the proposal, NHS Western Isles and the Comhairle announced last month, that they intend to press ahead with closing the dental practices at Lochmaddy and Liniclate (with Lochboisdale having already been closed) and centralise dental services in Benbecula.

Mrs Grant’s plea for a meeting with the former Cabinet Secretary for Health, Shona Robison, was ignored and last month she contacted the new Cabinet Secretary, Jeane Freeman, asking her to launch an enquiry into this decision as a matter of urgency.

Rhoda Grant said “The level of opposition to this plan has been staggering from the start yet NHS Western Isles and the Comhairle are battling on with their plans to centralise dentistry services in Benbecula, leaving some patients facing a 60 mile round trip to access an NHS dentist.

“The Uist LPG made it clear to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) in November 2016, that after a comprehensive options appraisal exercise, there was strong backing for the retention of the three site provision, as existed at that time.  This was reinforced by the Association of Community Councils, by a stakeholder event held in Lochboisdale, and by all local elected members serving at that time.  Concerns from dental professionals have also been raised, and it would appear, ignored.

Mrs Grant concluded “Tooth infection can have untold effects on many other parts of the body if infection is not detected early enough.  We need to encourage people to go for regular check-ups, not take dental services out of their communities which leaves access to dentists very hard for people who may have mobility issues, or do not own a car to travel these distances.

“I am contacting the Cabinet Secretary again to ask that these plans be stopped until the Scottish Government carries out a full enquiry into this appalling decision.”

MSP supports community in call to have 40mph limit at Sconser ferry terminal

Transport Scotland is being asked to impose a 40mph speed limit on the trunk road outside the Sconser ferry terminal.

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has written to the agency’s chief executive, Roy Brannen, supporting Raasay Community Council’s plea to cut the limit to make the road safer.

“Whilst it is good that Transport Scotland is going ahead with other measures at this location, I’ve been told there are frequent near misses there and a reduced limit would help,” said Mrs Grant.

“The ferry terminal is very busy, with a constant flow of traffic going past, even in the winter months, and I believe local people who say it is incredibly dangerous.

“I would hate for a serious accident to happen there.”

Raasay Community Council’s chair, Anne Gillies, added: “Those of us from Raasay who regularly turn right towards Portree from the terminal are fully aware just how nerve wracking the experience can be. The combination of hill-start and not being able to see while traffic is moving so fast is just not safe.”

Mrs Grant has been made aware of accidents on the stretch last week (ending September 20).

One appeared to involve three vehicles travelling toward Portree, which was attended by local police. A second accident is thought not to have involved police and insurance details may have been exchanged.

BEAR Scotland has written to Mrs Grant saying that improvement work has started on the A87 around the ferry terminal.

Work includes road signs and footway improvements, replacement bus shelter and pedestrian activated warning sign system.

Call for enquiry into Uist dental decision

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has today backed a call for the Cabinet Secretary for Health to launch an enquiry into the decision to centralise dental services in Uist.

This comes after Andrew Walker of the Uist Locality Planning Group (LPG) wrote to Alasdair Allan asking that he contacts the Secretary, Jeane Freeman, following the decision taken by NHS Western Isles and the Comhairle to close dental practices at Lochmaddy and Liniclate (with Lochboisdale having already been closed) and centralise dental services in Benbecula.

Rhoda Grant said “To issue this decision after almost three years of intense local objection flies in the face of local democracy.

“The Uist LPG made it clear to the Integration Joint Board (IJB) in November 2016, that after a comprehensive options appraisal exercise, there was strong backing for the retention of the three site provision, as existed at that time. This was reinforced by the Association of Community Councils, by a stakeholder event held in Lochboisdale, and by all local elected members serving at that time.  The IJB at that stage pursued their own “preferred model” to centralise the services in Benbecula meaning that some people would have a 60 mile round trip to see a dentist.”

Mrs Grant sought a meeting with the then Health Secretary, Shona Robison, and backed the calls from the Editor of Am Paipear for a moratorium to be imposed on the IJB proposal to centralise the services in Benbecula.

Mrs Grant continued “Good oral health is paramount to good general health and taking these dental services out of communities should be avoided at all costs.

“There is, quite rightly, outrage within the communities in Uist who stands to lose their local dentists.  We need to decentralise services, not centralise them.

Mrs Grant concluded “This decision is a shocking example of community opinion being totally ignored and I too will be writing to the Cabinet Secretary to ask her to launch an enquiry into this decision as a matter of urgency.”

MSP helps spread the word on defib

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP, Rhoda Grant, has tabled a motion in the Scottish Parliament congratulating Masonic Properties Ltd on their Community Defibrillator Project.


The company, in collaboration with the British Heart Foundation, fundraised to buy an Automatic External Defibrillator for use by the community.  The defibrillator is displayed on the car park wall of the Masonic Club at 5 Gordon Terrace, Inverness.


As part of the agreement with the British Heart Foundation, the company has provided local residents and businesses with training on the necessity of quick application of the defibrillator and the administration of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).  Further training sessions are to be offered later in the year for anyone who couldn’t make it along this time.


Mrs Grant said “This is a great demonstration of community spirit and the company are to be thanked for initiating it.  I was eager to attend the training myself and keen to help with getting the word out to nearby householders and businesses.


Mrs Grant continued “I am now better able to help in an emergency situation and I would thank everyone who has taken up the training since the defibrillator has been installed at the Masonic Club car park.  This could save a life.”

MSPs back the call from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar for ageing CalMac ferries to be replaced urgently

Highlands and Islands Labour MSPs Rhoda Grant and David Stewart are backing the call from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar for ageing CalMac ferries to be urgently replaced and brought up to standard.

Western Isles Council members met with Government officials to discuss the findings of the Outer Hebrides Scottish Transport Appraisal Group (STAG) recently and aired their opinion on the condition of the ageing fleet.  This comes hot on the heels of the call from former UK Government Minister, Brian Wilson, for an independent review into west coast ferry services.   Mr Wilson said there are “urgent” problems and a “general review of what has gone wrong” is needed.

Rhoda Grant said “I wholeheartedly support the calls being made by the Comhairle and Brian Wilson for urgent action to be taken to improve CalMac’s ferry fleet.  Scottish Labour has long since been raising this matter with the Scottish Government who have continued to ignore the problems which we have been highlighting for years.  Island communities need ferries they can rely on, for business needs, for social needs and to support much needed income from tourists.

Mrs Grant continued “It appears that the ‘Summer of discontent’ for west coast travellers rolls on.  It is not good enough, islanders need to have confidence that their lifeline ferry fleet is fit for purpose.  The Scottish Government needs to act, and act now.”

David Stewart said “I have backed calls from Dunoon to Stornoway for improvement to our west coast ferries.  Islanders need robust services but day on day we are hearing of breakdowns and cancellations disrupting life for hundreds of frustrated travellers.  It is damaging to business and the local economy.

Mr Stewart continued “Scottish Labour called for a two ferry option on the Ullapool-Stornoway route but we were ignored.  We now have the situation where the two new ferries presently being built are delayed indefinitely.  Businesses, individual travellers and tourists deserve better than this.  I am meeting the Chief Executive of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar next week and will be encouraging him to keep up the pressure on the Scottish Government to provide our island communities with the ferry services they need.”